
Ladies and gentlemen…..we now introduce photographics…..a comfortable homebased studio ( a hobby going professional), which celebrates moments, be it alone or with your loved ones!

One year old already?

Dearest Zoey, Last year today…..I was the most scared being on the face of this earth probably…..I was suddenly being pushed into being a mommy. Though it was me who’s life was in danger…but I was scared for you. I wanted you to be more than ok. As life would have it, you stepped into […]

Living life the lyallpur way

The past few weeks the reason for my dissapearance is to be blamed on the shaadi I was attending in Faisalabad. Obviously when you are attending a shaadi in another city and that too of someone you love, you are bound to have a great time. So, with Zoey (who dosent sit still anymore) travelling […]