To each his own

Parenting is a very personal responsibility. How you bring your child up, what school you choose to send them to (keeping in mind that they get the admission), what time you out them to bed everything is a decision you try to consciously make. I dont deny the fact we as parents get influenced by other parents, […]

Separation Anxiety

Please excuse me if this post comes about as unnecessary. But for me to move on and have a clear head I need to pour out the words in this space. Last week Zoey started school. Obviously, the first few days were full of crying and unsettlement. I was mentally prepared for that. As I would sit […]

Back to school

The constant butterflies in my tummy and the never ending roller coaster of thoughts is a constant reminder that the little one starts school tomorrow inshallah. I am excited and nervous at the same time. It feels like I am going back to school, only this time I have a young friend to accompany me! […]